Common Nail Conditions
Nails become thick due to different reasons
A condition where the nail plate pierces the skin on the sides of the nail.
Fungal infection of the toenail due to different reasons
Thick Nails
Nails become thick due to:
A single trauma to the nail plate,
Repetitive trauma from ill-fitting foot ware
Increase in age
Due to the fungal infection of the nail plate
- Hereditary
Hormonal disorder
Reduced circulation
Treatment provided:
Cutting the nail back and thinning of the nail plate
In-grown Toenail
This is a condition where the nail plate pierces the skin on the sides of the nail plate. Infection may or may not be present with this condition.
Genetic factors
Gait [the way you walk]
Foot deformities such as a bunion, hammertoes, or excessive pronation of the feet
Improper nail cutting
Trauma to the nail plate
Narrow footwear.
Treatments provided:
For the most basic painful ingrowing toenail, the offending spike of the nail will be removed and the toe will be covered with an antiseptic dressing.
For a very painful ingrowing toenail, a local anesthetic will be injected before removing the offending portion of the nail.
For very severe cases with excessive tissue build up a nail surgery will be carried out under local anesthetic with follow-up treatments.
Nail Fungus
Fungal infection of the toenail is a common foot problem. It presents as:
Thick, yellowish, brown brittle, and crumbly nails that may not be attached to the nail bed.
Discolouration may be seen initially as a streak extending from the tip of the nail to the base of the nail, or white patches on the surface of the nail plate.
Infection from Athlete’s foot that spread to the nails.
Having feet in the shoes and socks for a prolonged period of time.
Sweaty feet
Weakened immune system
Various conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, and poor circulation.
Trauma to the nail may lead to fungal infection of the nail
Walking barefoot in communal areas such as swimming pools, shower rooms, etc.
Damage caused by pedicures and in some cases overuse of nail varnishes.
Treatments provided:
Reduction of the thickness of the nail plate by the podiatrist to allow the podiatrist recommended nail lacquer or oil to penetrate where it is needed.
For severe cases, your GP may be asked to prescribe oral tablets under observation to monitor the liver due to the side effects.
If left untreated it can spread to the other toenails.